Monday, February 6, 2012

Where I'm From

My favorite school assignment so far.  Where I'm From.  To be read to the Social Justice in Education class tomorrow night.  This was a wonderful chance to reminisce and write about the wonderful childhood I had.


I am from micro machines and G.I. Joes
From wrestling matches and time outs on the top stair.

I am from music books and parents nagging to ‘practice harder’, ‘focus more’, and ‘do that part again’.

I am from dirty feet and callused toes.  From pink tights, leotard wedgies, and dance moms watching from the one-way window.

I am from “Don’t forget to say thank you.”  “Did you say thank you?”  and snide “you're welcome’s” before I could even remember to say thank you.

I am from five am family prayer, from Mormonism, from tennis balls, and night games.

I am from “you have as much responsibility to make me happy as I have to make you happy.”

I am from bear hugs and bald heads.

I am from Randy and teary eyes and Susan and great teeth.

I am from cancer and losing and I am from cancer and winning.

I am from bookshelves and homemade bread.

I am from broken basketball hoops and green porch swings.  From open fields and sno cones.

I am from safety and care.  Listening ears and kissing lips, holding hands, head massages, and painted fingernails.

I am from I love you’s.  I miss you’s and I’ll be seeing you’s.

I am from concern.
I am from compassion.
And I am from family.

I am a part of something much larger than myself, much grander than frizzy curls, and much more important than getting a good parking place.

I am a daughter.
I am a sister.
I am a wife.
And I am a life maker.

I am from every person I’ve ever met.  I am the neighborhood kids, the girls from church, and the cousins.

I am them and we are me.


  1. Wow Annalece, this was so poetic and beautiful! You are a great writer and I could picture your sweet parents perfectly when you said bald heads and perfect teeth :) thanks for sharing!

  2. Annalece, I really needed to read this tonight. Thanks for the goosebumps and the excellent reminder that we are more than our bad days.

  3. Thank you for sharing this. I´m so glad that I was one of the person you met, being part of where you are from!

  4. Beautiful. I love "Where I'm From" poems!! I have my students write one at the beginning of each year and then they turn it into a shape poem! Such an easy & meaningful introduction.

  5. Great assignment- thanks for sharing. It's fun to get to know you better though poem. Nicely done. :D

  6. I have chills. What a beautiful tribute to your childhood and your dear parents. I hope they have read this, a few times....I might need to be framed. Love that you shared!
