Monday, January 5, 2015

What I Did 2014

I hope you've made some lists and goals for 2015.
The Mister made a list that is as long as my leg and he'll probably accomplish every single one of them.
He's awesome/annoying like that :)

I made my teeny tiny list and then made another list that I think is even more important.
It's called "What I Did" and I think you should make one too.

2014 was WEIRD.
I worked super hard during the first eight months (and subsequesntly missed a lot of my daughters life)
and then had a stroke and basically became the biggest home-body in all the land.

Talk about a total change.

I went from making a large monetary contribution to my family to contributing nothing.

I went from "not having time" to read the Book of Mormon to gulping it all up in just a few months.

I went from going through the motions of life and work to having to think extremely hard about every word that I wanted to come out, every step I needed to take, and exactly how to communicate with my beautiful 2 year old.

I learned that life can either be wonderful or it can be a total drag. I learned that
 "Happiness is not trying or finding, it's deciding"
and from this knowledge, everything else has improved in my life.

I am far more in love with my husband now because of the choice to choose happiness.

I don't mind doing the laundry or dishes or cleaning up everyday because those thing don't have the actual ability to take away my happiness.

And, in the case of relearning calligraphy, I learned to be more patient and to enjoy the journey. (Calligraphy drove me crazy when I originally learned because it took SO LONG and I had to go so slow and be so careful.  Now, it's therapeutic for me - and who doesn't need a little free therapy every once in a while?!?!)

So, make your list. 

It doesn't matter what it says and it doesn't matter how life-changing the items are on the list - 

Just make it and keep it right next to your 2015 resolutions so you can reflect often upon the things that you have already accomplished and not feel the need to slit your wrists on your current list of resolutions.

If you feel so inclined to share your list, hashtag it #tmalwhatidid2014.

Can't wait to read about it!

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much! Now that we're home and unpacked and Christmas is put away I'll hopefully have time to sit and reflect. ;) I'll let you know when I have my lists made! And way to go for EVERYTHING you've accomplished! You've amazed and inspired us all.
